
الوقت يمضغ الساعات على مهل ,
والحكايات توشك على النفاد
"وأنا..وحيدة وأفتقدك |

هديل الحضيف _غرفة خلفية

الثلاثاء، 31 مايو 2011

see ya

here i stand...

there we went

in the wonderful night you said.

that every one have to find his own way

you had to tell me for so long
that you are going away
but i`v never thinking to my self that i`ll never
see you again

The choise

pepole all the time say,that everyone have achoice.
but they never said what choice can make you choose the wrong
turn on the high way.
what choice can make you pick the black pants when you can pick the yellow
what choice can make you wanna go to spain,when you can easily cross
the world..

i belive in wrong choices..
i belive in learning from mistaks..
i belive that the person can make more bigger than that.
if he just belived.

i belive in the other side.. "there"
where there`s no rulls can make you down.



الأحد، 29 مايو 2011

it`s all about tomorrow


what this word mean??

How do make this word things visible?

It has many meanings..

. it makes you see the sun shine every Day.

it open your eyes on the Good thing.

it makes you belive that there`s something called "Tomorrow"
and if you know that there`s Tomorrow ..so you will live happy "today"

everybody need an"Inspiration"....also every body have a "soul"

you waitting all the night till you see astar..so you can tell Him
about your Day.

sometimes when you siit alone you talk to your self..
and remember what happend in your Day this "Day"

There are many words can you described


"fall in love"


"living the life"...

I want to chose the sad memories, and put it in the bottom of the ocean.

that what i am gonna Do and "today"
not "Tomorrow"

All I need to I believe that there is tomorrow

That's all I need

السبت، 28 مايو 2011

Can`t you

can`t you feel the rain on your body.

telling you to live your life.

can`t you see the sun lighting your life.

asking you to not make it dark.

and the clouds in the sky.

inviting you to do it right.

can`t you?

just enjoy your life

الثلاثاء، 24 مايو 2011

الخميس، 5 مايو 2011


how we could be born,into this life and not belive that things happen for a reason.

there`s no right or wrong,

i don`t look at things as black a white,

the real choices in that life aren`t that simple.

i think of it more like astory that keep

moving forward.

with aboring charcters then subrise that turn everything upside down

i want to be the best i can, i want to dream big.

what i want?

how i want to be?

how i want to spend my time.?

keeping this ques open is Good.

it`s life!!

i have to live every Day of my life

if there`s something i want to tell that pepole.

that you not the normal person or lesst you can`t let your self to be that.

it`s your choice!!

your Dream

your life

but before you speak know that you speak on everybodys lips..

just feel the rain on your skin ..

no one elso can make for you..

only you can let it in..noone else.....can speck the words on your lips

الاثنين، 2 مايو 2011

every Day

there comes atime in life

when you have to let go of
all the pointless drama

& the pepole who create it

& surround yourself with

pepole who make you laugh
so hard that you forget
the bad and focus solely

on the good. after all, life is too shhort to be

anyything but happy


i believe

i believe that everything happens for a reason.

pepole change so that you can learn to let go.

things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they`re

right, you belive lies so that you can learn to trust no one

but yourself,

and some times good thing fall apart so better things can fall together

marilyn monroe,

الأحد، 1 مايو 2011

Know your own happiness

"'You are in a melancholy humour and fancy that anyone unlike yourself must be happy. But remember that the pain of parting from friends will be felt by everybody at times, whatever be their education or state. Know your own happiness. You want nothing but patience; or give it a more fascinating name: call it hope.'"

Sense & Sensibility, volume 1, chapter 19