
الوقت يمضغ الساعات على مهل ,
والحكايات توشك على النفاد
"وأنا..وحيدة وأفتقدك |

هديل الحضيف _غرفة خلفية

الجمعة، 15 يوليو 2011


We can dream,or not dreaming at all
but somehow there is something inside us want us to faith..
that we can create our magic land..
it`s all about how much we faith..
my first dream that i wanna write a book so i can sleep and know that whole the world know how i am thinking.
my second dream I wanna be able to live my life
without no ruls..noone waiting for me to do something
coz I wont ..I will do what I believe in.
Next Dream I wanna have a best friend..I know it`s easy to find or maybe not but in my case I know that it`s hard to get….I guess.
oOoh yeah I wanna marry to football player I know it will not happen but I am just kid so just lie to me.
I have abig with list waitting to be wished.
but just for now I wish that I can live to make this wishs
come true…..I hope


Dear Diary

it`s Tuesday 32.june.2011

the sun is rise like always
and when you get up you feel a strong light make you blind for two second
I can not distinguish the rainbow ..that`s if there is one.
all days are the same,
what I want right now ..is “hope”
hope that there is something good is about to come.
there is new sun about to shine.
new faces you will see.

الاثنين، 11 يوليو 2011

the story of her

the story of her....

once upon time,she came to this life
the first time she saw the light of life,she knew that there is something
is waiting for her.
she wondered Why life is going in circles..There is no finish line .. maybe she should discover it
it is all start when she was a kid ..
there was nothing in her mind, just play with the other kids,
nothing to be worry about

one day she met a little boy his name is jack..
he came to her and asked her if she wanna go to see some where good
she said yes and he tool her to the best place in this whole world.
he took her to the fish place
she was so happy and he were happy jut to see her smile on her face
and they kept playing all the day till some mens came and kept yelling so they ranaway before they catch them

to be continued

الثلاثاء، 5 يوليو 2011

Blah Blah

\i have nothing to do
when i am alone and that mean all the time
all i do that i shake on my own words
and the only thing that i tell to my self
that the next moment is a moment away
i can`t play with fire
i can`t play with cards
but i can play with words
the writing wasnt in my thought
it had no place in my life
but one day i found that there is no way that i can tell and show how i feel
just by words
i think that the most of people think that i have only 16 how i do this
it is not magic
it is just
that when i hold the pen
i give him all my control
all my secrets
and let him do what he should do
i find somethings on paper that i would never tell

to be continued

الأحد، 3 يوليو 2011

Miss ya

i had a friend once
she was all i had
and till now i still remember her
but every time i try to see her face i afraid that she don`t remember me
i try to write a bout her
this the only way that i can tell how much i love her


I cried today….
When I found that in your life you will find some moment when you hate that you alive.
I did today I hate when there is no one next to me.
I feel like I am unlucky..or maybe nothing
I hate this moments….
When you can find your self anymore
You wish that you are sleep so you can dream os what you want…
What your life want it to be.
My dream and the life that I want it is.
I have a big white house on shore
And I don`t want any thing elso I just want to spend my time on that shore
Is that hard to be true…..
I guess it is …
For now.