
الوقت يمضغ الساعات على مهل ,
والحكايات توشك على النفاد
"وأنا..وحيدة وأفتقدك |

هديل الحضيف _غرفة خلفية

الأحد، 3 يوليو 2011


I cried today….
When I found that in your life you will find some moment when you hate that you alive.
I did today I hate when there is no one next to me.
I feel like I am unlucky..or maybe nothing
I hate this moments….
When you can find your self anymore
You wish that you are sleep so you can dream os what you want…
What your life want it to be.
My dream and the life that I want it is.
I have a big white house on shore
And I don`t want any thing elso I just want to spend my time on that shore
Is that hard to be true…..
I guess it is …
For now.

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