
الوقت يمضغ الساعات على مهل ,
والحكايات توشك على النفاد
"وأنا..وحيدة وأفتقدك |

هديل الحضيف _غرفة خلفية

الجمعة، 19 أغسطس 2011


أتخيله اليوم

فيه الشمس تخطف أنظارى
مهما ذهبت

تجعلنى أرى العالم بأكمله,

أنظر الى الامواج تبحث عن,

والطيور تحلق من فوقى

فقط تحلق

ومياه المحيط تتداعب قدماى الحافيتان,
والرمل يحاول أن يتخد موضعه ,بينى,

يتخذ أشكاله
ليسمعنى ,


الى , لا أحد

أذكر انى كنت أنظر لمغيب المشس ,
عندما رأيته .

نعم رأيته "هو"

يحاول أن يبحث عن شى ,

ولكن مثلى لا يعرف على ماذا يبحث
رأيت الشمس تتردد على عينيه

كألمراه تنعكس أنظاره على أمواج الحيط

كاعصفور يبحث عن مخبأ.....ويدارى أسراره فى أعماق المحيط الهادئه

أتذكر ملامح هذا اليوم وكأنه كان....
ولكن لم ينتهى بعد,.
كم انتظرت ان تغيب الشمس وتغرب,وأنا أتطلع على ملامحها الساحره,,,,

كم انتظرت أن يصل المحيط لأعلى قدماى ؟

نعم أنتظرت "أنا

وها جاء اليوم, لأتطلع عليه
الى غد,,

كان يمشى بقدميه على الرمال

وكأنهه طائر بلا مكان ~~

لاحظته من مكانى ‘

الطيور حلقت فوقه ‘‘‘أيضاً‘
وكأنها ‘~ فى انتظار احد أن يتطلع عليها وهى تنال حريتها
وهى تحلق نحو الأبديهّ~~

نحو المجهول,,,,
انه لم يكن فارس أحلامى قط

بل كان فارس كل ما حولى ,

الجمعة، 15 يوليو 2011


We can dream,or not dreaming at all
but somehow there is something inside us want us to faith..
that we can create our magic land..
it`s all about how much we faith..
my first dream that i wanna write a book so i can sleep and know that whole the world know how i am thinking.
my second dream I wanna be able to live my life
without no ruls..noone waiting for me to do something
coz I wont ..I will do what I believe in.
Next Dream I wanna have a best friend..I know it`s easy to find or maybe not but in my case I know that it`s hard to get….I guess.
oOoh yeah I wanna marry to football player I know it will not happen but I am just kid so just lie to me.
I have abig with list waitting to be wished.
but just for now I wish that I can live to make this wishs
come true…..I hope


Dear Diary

it`s Tuesday 32.june.2011

the sun is rise like always
and when you get up you feel a strong light make you blind for two second
I can not distinguish the rainbow ..that`s if there is one.
all days are the same,
what I want right now ..is “hope”
hope that there is something good is about to come.
there is new sun about to shine.
new faces you will see.

الاثنين، 11 يوليو 2011

the story of her

the story of her....

once upon time,she came to this life
the first time she saw the light of life,she knew that there is something
is waiting for her.
she wondered Why life is going in circles..There is no finish line .. maybe she should discover it
it is all start when she was a kid ..
there was nothing in her mind, just play with the other kids,
nothing to be worry about

one day she met a little boy his name is jack..
he came to her and asked her if she wanna go to see some where good
she said yes and he tool her to the best place in this whole world.
he took her to the fish place
she was so happy and he were happy jut to see her smile on her face
and they kept playing all the day till some mens came and kept yelling so they ranaway before they catch them

to be continued

الثلاثاء، 5 يوليو 2011

Blah Blah

\i have nothing to do
when i am alone and that mean all the time
all i do that i shake on my own words
and the only thing that i tell to my self
that the next moment is a moment away
i can`t play with fire
i can`t play with cards
but i can play with words
the writing wasnt in my thought
it had no place in my life
but one day i found that there is no way that i can tell and show how i feel
just by words
i think that the most of people think that i have only 16 how i do this
it is not magic
it is just
that when i hold the pen
i give him all my control
all my secrets
and let him do what he should do
i find somethings on paper that i would never tell

to be continued

الأحد، 3 يوليو 2011

Miss ya

i had a friend once
she was all i had
and till now i still remember her
but every time i try to see her face i afraid that she don`t remember me
i try to write a bout her
this the only way that i can tell how much i love her


I cried today….
When I found that in your life you will find some moment when you hate that you alive.
I did today I hate when there is no one next to me.
I feel like I am unlucky..or maybe nothing
I hate this moments….
When you can find your self anymore
You wish that you are sleep so you can dream os what you want…
What your life want it to be.
My dream and the life that I want it is.
I have a big white house on shore
And I don`t want any thing elso I just want to spend my time on that shore
Is that hard to be true…..
I guess it is …
For now.

الخميس، 30 يونيو 2011


you'll never feel this feeling when you far from your soul
and you will never know how much you miss it
as much you miss your food...
your heart beat..the oxygen
the only thing i know that i love and i will always
love the only thing that tell the worlds who i am
my country.....


Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer

by Muhammad Ali

السبت، 25 يونيو 2011

Love Ya

blue sky is calling my name..
she told the clouds not to fall rain
telling the sun do not go away..
i miss you and i will always say.
i wish to be you..
and i will one day
you the only one that right now i wish to call his name
and see his face
and i will always remember..

that you are my sister

to ranoOosh

i`ll always remember the things we uesd to do

Love ya XOXO.

The winner takes it all

I don’t wanna talk
About the things we’ve gone through
Though it’s hurting me
Now it’s history

Sara Rose

i waited for him..but he didn't show.
i saw those faces.
like i had seen like them million times before.
under the train station..
it was his favorite place.
he used to come here..when he become mad from this world..or if he upset.
i wish that i can remember our mamories here...
here in this moment i can`t imagne that he not with me
... that we didn`t go Broadway as he promised me .
i can`t believe that i will not see those mad eyes again .
today 3/march/2010..
his favorite month ...
he have so many plans...i mean he had.
i don`t want to remember how we met coz i close this door for so lone.
but i don`t know why i`m here right now..maybe there`s something missing...i don`t know
why my feet come here...i miss him

sara rose:1/5/1989 till "3/march/2010

rest in peace.

الاثنين، 20 يونيو 2011

SEE you in another Life

we take steps to move on in life?
but sometimes most of us try to search for the shortest line to get in the other side?
the other side where you can decide who you are?
how you want to be?
do you believe in the another life?
but what if you have no place there?
what if you do not see
familiar face?
what if you know no one
would you like stay here?
or you would try to find somewhere also find your
to search for the reality.
your own reality.
you will live all the time in light will make your life flash with every
breath you take.
will make your heart beat so fast till you wonder how you still ألف
do you ever wonder why they afraid of dark...
maybe they just scare to make them see thier real self.
i believe that the dark can make a great cure for who don`t believe
in their self.
who are believe that they can be something ...
can make He or She Can say thier name in puplic..
can smile...
can make himself be happy.
and most thing..
that he can "live"

السبت، 4 يونيو 2011

New Story

I will talk today about……
you know I heard once someone say “sometimes friendships is harder than relationships”
and believe me I don`t know if I heard it or I made it…let`s pass this pound.

you know what maybe I had no idea how the friendship be but I like. it
I like this line between onset and lies
I like this small thing that call secrets.
you know when you tell somebody your secrets without nervous,that`s what I call friendship.

it`s telling you that you are not alone
there is some one protect your back.and he will be always there …even if you can`t see him.

I tried so many times to write about friendship.

but I always find some thing new to write
you know some thing mystery.
and here I am about to write abook
but if I wrote a sea of words there`s nothing will explain what I mean coz this line so much bigger than we can get it.

I had friends in my life

but you know what I will not call them friends.

coz I`m already trust everyone ……I stupid I know but I like coz their listen.

Once abon time

i belive........
that there`s so many ThinGs to do in this life.but!maybe it`s time to share!!!
it`s time to share ouR feeling......for who we care about.
it`s time to knock on unkwon..Door!
it`s time to sent A Red roses.....to some one...
you even know him.
you know what i think the best thing in life...
that,there`s so Many chances ,around you.
you have to give....you have to take..thiis the
normal life.
there`s aRoads goes to "No where"
and....there`s Roads goes to "the choice is up to you"

الثلاثاء، 31 مايو 2011

see ya

here i stand...

there we went

in the wonderful night you said.

that every one have to find his own way

you had to tell me for so long
that you are going away
but i`v never thinking to my self that i`ll never
see you again

The choise

pepole all the time say,that everyone have achoice.
but they never said what choice can make you choose the wrong
turn on the high way.
what choice can make you pick the black pants when you can pick the yellow
what choice can make you wanna go to spain,when you can easily cross
the world..

i belive in wrong choices..
i belive in learning from mistaks..
i belive that the person can make more bigger than that.
if he just belived.

i belive in the other side.. "there"
where there`s no rulls can make you down.



الأحد، 29 مايو 2011

it`s all about tomorrow


what this word mean??

How do make this word things visible?

It has many meanings..

. it makes you see the sun shine every Day.

it open your eyes on the Good thing.

it makes you belive that there`s something called "Tomorrow"
and if you know that there`s Tomorrow ..so you will live happy "today"

everybody need an"Inspiration"....also every body have a "soul"

you waitting all the night till you see astar..so you can tell Him
about your Day.

sometimes when you siit alone you talk to your self..
and remember what happend in your Day this "Day"

There are many words can you described


"fall in love"


"living the life"...

I want to chose the sad memories, and put it in the bottom of the ocean.

that what i am gonna Do and "today"
not "Tomorrow"

All I need to I believe that there is tomorrow

That's all I need

السبت، 28 مايو 2011

Can`t you

can`t you feel the rain on your body.

telling you to live your life.

can`t you see the sun lighting your life.

asking you to not make it dark.

and the clouds in the sky.

inviting you to do it right.

can`t you?

just enjoy your life

الثلاثاء، 24 مايو 2011

الخميس، 5 مايو 2011


how we could be born,into this life and not belive that things happen for a reason.

there`s no right or wrong,

i don`t look at things as black a white,

the real choices in that life aren`t that simple.

i think of it more like astory that keep

moving forward.

with aboring charcters then subrise that turn everything upside down

i want to be the best i can, i want to dream big.

what i want?

how i want to be?

how i want to spend my time.?

keeping this ques open is Good.

it`s life!!

i have to live every Day of my life

if there`s something i want to tell that pepole.

that you not the normal person or lesst you can`t let your self to be that.

it`s your choice!!

your Dream

your life

but before you speak know that you speak on everybodys lips..

just feel the rain on your skin ..

no one elso can make for you..

only you can let it in..noone else.....can speck the words on your lips

الاثنين، 2 مايو 2011

every Day

there comes atime in life

when you have to let go of
all the pointless drama

& the pepole who create it

& surround yourself with

pepole who make you laugh
so hard that you forget
the bad and focus solely

on the good. after all, life is too shhort to be

anyything but happy


i believe

i believe that everything happens for a reason.

pepole change so that you can learn to let go.

things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they`re

right, you belive lies so that you can learn to trust no one

but yourself,

and some times good thing fall apart so better things can fall together

marilyn monroe,

الأحد، 1 مايو 2011

Know your own happiness

"'You are in a melancholy humour and fancy that anyone unlike yourself must be happy. But remember that the pain of parting from friends will be felt by everybody at times, whatever be their education or state. Know your own happiness. You want nothing but patience; or give it a more fascinating name: call it hope.'"

Sense & Sensibility, volume 1, chapter 19

الخميس، 28 أبريل 2011


maybe you can`t reash your dream.

just belive "

it`s adream that you dreaming


رحمها الله.

فى هذه اللحظه...بالتحديدا
كم كنت اتمنى ان اكون اكبر من ذللك.
كم كنت اتمنى ان تأخّذ الكلمات موقفى.امام الالم والوحدة التى كنت اعيشها.
فقظ فى هذه اللحظة ان بالغت فى تعبيرى فكانت هى خاتمه ذكرياتى "لها"
التى لا اذكر منها الا القليل.
ولكنى على الاقل اذكر ..وهذا نادرا الان.

لو كنت اعلم انى سوف اوع ذكرياتى لها...فقط لو كنت اعلم.

كنت انا هذه الطفله التى لا أذكر انها يومأ كانت نظراتها توضح ماذا تريد.
وهذا لا يعنى انها لم تكن تريد ذلك.

لم تكن تعرف ما معنى ان يعبر المرء عما بداخله...لا لم تكن يوما.

كم تمنت ان تتلقى هذا الخبر بطريقة ادمية.
كم كنت اتمنى ان اتلقيه منشرحه الصدر.ولكن لم يكن باليد حيلة.
كان موعد لقائنا يفصلنا عنه "ساعه"

كم كنت انتظر هذه الساعه حتى اراها,كم كنت ادندن كلمات من الاغانى يملؤها الملل..فقط حتى يضيع الوقت.

تلقيت الخبر عندما جائنى ابن عمى يحكى لى عن ماذا يجرى فى بيت اختها..لم اكن اعلم انذاك
ولم يكن بالامر الهين ايضا..عندما فاجئنى بان هناك تجمع هائل هناك.
كنت طفله انذاك لم اكن قد صادفت هذه النوعيه من الامور.ولكنى ذهبت اتفقد ماذا يجرى.
كنت اخطو كل خطوة واعلم ان هناك خطأ ما...
ولكنى كنت اتجاهله...نعم فاليس من المتوقع ان تستجيب طفلة لهذة الامور..
رأيت اللون الاسود ع عشرات من الناس...كاد يعمينى.
ولكن هذا لم يمنعنى من معرفة ما يجرى بالداخل..ولكن

عرفت الان..
عندما اخبرونى بهذا..
"امك ماتت

شعرت بوخزة لا يشعر بها مثلى ..اقصد من فى سنى.
دخلت غرفتها رأيت كفانا ابيض...مغطى بجثه هامده.لم تودع ابنتها.
كانت ممدده على السرير.

كانت"ماتت نعم قبل مجيئى لها بساعه واحده

لم تستطع الانتظار ساعه

عندما ذهبت الى بيتنا بكيت وبكيت....لم اكن استطع ان اعبر الا بالبكاء..
كان مخرجى الوحيد..من هذا الكابوس

سمعن اختى بكائى قالت لى "لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله"

الشى الغريب أنى رايت هذه الوجوه تحاول ان تناسينى ما حصل ..كانوا يشفقون على ما اظن.

الشى الاغرب .....انى نسيت...

ولكن الذكريات لا تفارق صاحبها ما دامت له...

""وخاصه ان كانت المؤلمة منها

رحمها الله...


you not dreaming...

juat belive that you not dreaming when you see someone smile in your face,
when someone waiting you all the night and give you your favorite roses.
you not dreaming when you marry who you love.
you not dreaming if you see prad pitt at the star bukks (well maybe you are)
you not dreaming if you finish your high school.
you not dreaming if you see someone in your dream(sorry i forgot that you already asleep)
the most importing that you not dreaming if your life changed,or you changed.
just belive..then go to bed and i can`t do anything about that..it`s yor
Chance to dream.



never forget

the time had stoped.
the moon has going away.
the life is hard
but sometimes we just can`t say.
that all our life is all about how much you give.

do you know how many time i try to forget

i`m not proud but i`ll never regret.

I got them once but I will not get it again

but this great mimories will stay......always stay

i saw your pic hanging all the time in my mind.

i see your life in my own life.

i`v never want you to go.
coz i know it`s gonna hurt.

i have to forget what you came for.


الثلاثاء، 19 أبريل 2011

The Same

Saw the world turning in my sheets and once again I cannot sleep.
Walk out the door and up the street; look at the stars beneath my feet.
Remember rights that I did wrong, so here I go.
Hello, hello. There is no place I cannot go.
My mind is muddy but my heart is heavy. Does it show?
I lose the track that loses me, so here I go.
And so I sent some men to fight, and one came back at dead of night.
Said he'd seen my enemy. Said he looked just like me,
So I set out to cut myself and here I go.
I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice.
Give me reason but don't give me choice.
'Cause I'll just make the same mistake again.
And maybe someday we will meet, and maybe talk and not just speak.
Don't buy the promises 'cause, there are no promises I keep.
And my reflection troubles me, so here I go.
I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice.
Give me reason but don't give me choice.
'Cause I'll just make the same mistake,
I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice.
Give me reason but don't give me choice.
'Cause I'll just make the same mistake again.
Saw the world turning in my sheets and once again I cannot sleep.
Walk out the door and up the street; look at the stars.
Look at the stars fall down.
And wonder where did I go wrong.

الثلاثاء، 12 أبريل 2011

Breathe Again"

Car is parked, bags are packed, but what kind of heart doesn't look back At the comfortable glow from the porch, the one I will still call yours? All those words came undone and now I'm not the only one Facing the ghosts that decide if the fire inside still burns All I have, all I need, he's the air I would kill to breathe Holds my love in his hands, still I'm searching for something Out of breath, I am left hoping someday I'll breathe again I'll breathe again Open up next to you and my secrets become your truth And the distance between that was sheltering me comes in full view Hang my head, break my heart built from all I have torn apart And my burden to bear is a love I can't carry anymore All I have, all I need, he's the air I would kill to breathe Holds my love in his hands, still I'm searching for something Out of breath, I am left hoping someday I'll breathe again It hurts to be here I only wanted love from you It hurts to be here What am I gonna do? All I have, all I need, he's the air I would kill to breathe Holds my love in his hands, still I'm searching All I have, all I need, he's the air I would kill to breathe Holds my love in his hands, still I'm searching for something Out of breath, I am left hoping someday I'll breathe again I'll breathe again

الثلاثاء، 15 مارس 2011




you know what ...i think now i start to feel...like i don`t want to
live in lies anymore.
i think ..no..i belive that i Had enough.

i which that i can do any thing...but there`s nothing in mY hAnd

الاثنين، 14 مارس 2011

mirror Reflection

Sometimes you pretend to know someone ... but sometimes sitting alone and wondering ... Do you really know this person ..
And sometimes flying out of the reach of your thoughts ..
And you think you're dreaming ....
Really ...
But where this dream takes you ...
Do guides you to the place .... for a moment ... you think the shelter for you ..
But why.....

did you ever wonder.why you?
do you sat alone....again...and ask whenn this will end.
But you know that will not result will show in the end..
do you know why...???
because that person is you..........
no one can see him self.

الأربعاء، 9 فبراير 2011

ما شربتش من نيلها؟ طب جربت تغنيلها؟؟

جربت فى عز ما تحزن تمشى فى شوارعها و تشكيلها

ما مشيتش فى ضواحيها؟ طيب ما كبرتش فيها؟؟

ولا ليك صورة ع الرمل دامت ع الشط بمعانيها؟؟

دور جواك تلقاها هى الصحبة و هى الأهل

عشرة بلدى بتبقى نسيانها ع البال مش سهل

يمكن ناسى لإنك فيها

مش واحشاك و لا غيبت عليها

بس اللى مجرب و فارقها قال فى الدنيا ما فيش بعديها


sometimes i don`t want to belive it....but somehow i can`t.
because i already live with it.
i can`t let this dream run away...
sometimes i ask my self wHy this world?!
why this life?!
i always search for nothing.
& i always find nothing the sam thing
so now it`s end of my life.
why i belive that?!!
there`s no resone to be my life.."SucK"
belive me i`v search for one
there`s life around us.
but we can`t stand and find it.
it`s kind of "nothing"
i`v been search along time.
and i tired!
there`s notthing i mean it!!!
coz this thing.doesn`t exies

الثلاثاء، 8 فبراير 2011

Dear Diary+__+

Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
Cuz you're the only one that I know who'll keep
them .

I've been a bad, bad girl for so long
I don't know how to change ....

Seems I've got this whole world cradled in my hands
But its just like me not to understand.

I learned my lessons
I turned myself around
I've got a guardian angel on my shoulder
She's been watching over me..

Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
I know you'll keep them so this is what I've done
so this is what I've done.